Welcome to my all things Davis Ranger!

Here lies links to all things Davis Ranger.


I have a youtube channel where I do mostly gaming videos. - Kind of abandoned, been busy with other stuff My Channel

The Land of Zian

This is a long running series that I'm trying to write. Webnovel Link Inkitt Link


DRRPG stands for, "Davis. Ranger's. RPG". and it is a text based RPG I'm working on. - Kind of abandoned, been busy with other stuff. All these version were really Buggy, as such I've removed the links. And becuase I've started fresh anyway.

My Sentiment Homebrew Wiki

I've made a wiki for all the homebrew I've made for Tabletop RPG, Sentiment! - Kind of abandoned, been busy with other stuff. Currently in the middle of moving to another side. And as Such I've removed the link.


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